Monday, June 27, 2011

Should You Trust Your GPS? Read This First!

Should you trust your GPS to keep you found in the wilderness?

OutdoorQuest's Blake Miller knows more about navigation than anybody I know - he sent this article from
Read this article to add to your survival knowledge!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Lost in the Backcountry: How to Keep That From Happening!

Always test your gear and skills before you get in the field and need them!
Test your equipment before you go afield. In my Wilderness Survival class I emphasize the phrase “it has to work for you.” Friends enjoy providing input and helpful suggestions. But don’t blindly assume these are sound recommendations.
To read the complete Blake Miller story, click here.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Baseline Navigation: A Simple Way to Stay Found in Difficult Terrain

Returning to a baseline is a pretty straight forward concept. My recommendation is to first purchase a reliable compass that can be adjusted for declination.  A solid compass made by Suunto, Brunton (the 8010G) and Silva  are great choices.  Learn how to adjust the compass for the declination or your location.  (Note: declination is the difference between true north and magnetic north.)
Then, follow the recommendations in this story - you can wander in safety, without really paying too much attention to your compass. When it's time to get back to camp, you'll have no problem!
Click here to read the Blake Miller story!